Hunger and Glory
Vampiric Gothic Fantasy Digital Art by Justin Gedak 2018 Model: Vanessa Pintea
I've been doing some experimenting lately with smaller pieces of original artwork! This was strangely a lot of work for something so little, and took a long time to actually finish. Really happy with the way it turned out though :)
You can check out more info at my Big Cartel Shop:

For anyone wanting to sign up to my mailing list, I'm giving away a free full resolution digital download of "Born for Battle". It's a very large image, 9000 x 6750 300dpi, and I figured it would be interesting for people to be able to zoom right in to see the details and brushwork. Also, anyone with access to a good printer can print off their own print of it without having to order anything online.
Click on the image below to sign up and get your free download