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Winter Mermaid

In the Rose Garden by Justin Gedak

Winter Mermaid

Digital Painting and Photo Manipulation of a Viking Mermaid

by Justin Gedak 2016

I spent most of Christmas finishing this mermaid artwork. It ended up looking a lot different than I had originally intended, and I actually had a really tough time finishing it. I never intended the snow to be there, and had actually spent a bunch of time painting an old ship in the background. Something about it's angle, proportion, and lighting seemed very off though, so I cut it out, and added an abstract distant castle instead.

With the snow, I imagine her as almost a viking mermaid at home up north in the cold of winter. I think it was fitting too that I was snowed in during most of the creation process for this digital painting (I sort of live out in the stick, on the side of a mountain).

Like a madman, I probably painted over a thousand layers on this one. That's what I love about painting digitally, no waiting for paint to dry.

Hope everyone had an awesome Christmas!

Digital painting by Justin Gedak

Abstract winter castle detail

Mermaid fin detail

This mermaid print was created with a combination of digital painting and photo manipulation using Corel Painter, Adobe Photoshop, and a Wacom Intuos Pro drawing tablet.

Based on the photography of Derek Brewster (Pygar)

Digital painting face detail

Open Edition prints and merchandise are available at Society6, Inprnt, and Curioos


For anyone wanting to sign up to my mailing list, I'm giving away a free full resolution digital download of "Born for Battle". It's a very large image, 9000 x 6750 300dpi, and I figured it would be interesting for people to be able to zoom right in to see the details and brushwork. Also, anyone with access to a good printer can print off their own print of it without having to order anything online.

Click on the image below to sign up and get your free download

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