Once Innocent
Medieval gothic fantasy digital painting by Justin Gedak
Her battered heart yearns for vengeance
A dark hope lurking silently from within
The patient monster awaiting escape.
In the near distance, an ancient memory stands tall;
A ghostly castle haunted by regret.
Old wounds murmur from within those mighty walls
Whispering of hurtful times
Mocking, and poisonous
Deliberate, and from madness.
She has traveled so far,
yet has found herself back here once again.
The tireless stain refusing to fade.
Her only true enemy.
Once so innocent, and once so unaware.
Sword in hand, she wanders back to where it began.
To where her world had forever changed.

This gothic fantasy painting of a vampiric woman holding a sword was created with Corel Painter, Adobe Photoshop, and a Wacom tablet using a combination of photo manipulation and digital painting.
Based on the the stock photography of Harpist-stock, Fantasystock, and Dieratstock.

Gallery quality giclée fine art prints and other merchandise available at Society6