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A psychological thriller novella based in a medieval fantasy setting about Vincent Fane Dagabual, a soldier in the North Vellonian Infantry who gets knocked out during battle after being distracted by a mysterious woman rising up from the poisoned black waters of the Fellokon Sea, and wakes up tied to a dead tree.


Once awake he realizes he has been abducted by an elderly hermit, an ancient medicine man from a tribe thought to be extinct. The time spent captured gives Vincent a chance to look inwards at his own life, and he finds that he does not like the monster of a human being he has become.


This new-found realization spirals him into the memories of his childhood at an abandoned city where he finds that his past, present, and future are somehow intertwined with the hermit, the woman from the ocean, a strange beast, and an ancient jail-cell door.

Available in paperback and ebook at Amazon

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